update 15th March 2025
Miakoschka Siberian Adoption Page
Welcome to our Siberian Adoption Page. This is where we post info about Siberian Cats looking for a new loving homes. Have a look at some of the past Siberians in our adoption photos below, they have gone to wonderful loving new families.
Sometimes kittens will not suit and so some of our ex breeding cats make wonderful new members for the family seeking an older pet. As well, we may from time to time may get requests to find new homes for our pets we have bred and if this happens we will advertise them here. We hope that this doesn’t happen often but should the need arise we are more than happy to help out locating a new family if there are no other available options. Also when we require homes for our cats that we have finished breeding with they become available for adoption, and we will feature them here. If you would like more information on any of the featured cats here please email us or call we are only too happy to assist.
Our plans to desex some of our girls towards the end of this year will be as follows. Please get in touch if you are interested and would like to know more about them.
Currently our desexed queens are $1200 this includes
current vaccinations and pedigree papers.
This boy is available now
He will need a quiet home without young children
Max will be available soon
Please get in touch for more info
We will soon be desexing Adriyanna
if you are interested in her please get in touch.
Annika now has a home
Katina has a home now
Xanthe has a home now
Zoloto now has a new family
Vanna now has a new family
Yana now has a new home
Zaria is now looking for the perfect home to retire to, she is a very loving girl and would be fine with a dog as she is very used to our Havanese.
Zaria now has a new home.
Anfisa is available
Tattiayana is also desexed and looking for the perfect family.
She would be best suited to a home on her own
We now have a great home for her
Jack now has a lovely home
We now have a home for her
We now have been asked to find a new home for Walcat
Walcat Now has a home
Walcat has a new home
Miakoschka Anastasya
Anastasia has now found her home
Miakoschka Sharina
SHARINA now has a home
Babushka Katryna
We now have a home for Katryna
Miakoschka Nataly
Now has a new home.
Shemiaka White Taiga
Has now found a home
Viktor Feline Paradise
Has a home.
Nugget Dysgarden (imported Poland)
Nugget now has a home
Sibmoor Basik
Now has a lovely home.
Carilocat Viljie
Now has found her new family to live with.
Tickled Pink Juliya
Has now found a great home.
Miakoschka Lesina.
Lesina now has a family to share her life with
Sibmoor Dinara
Dinara now has a family to share her life with
Zolotka of Barvinok
Zolotka now has a lovely home
Miakoschka Pandora
has found a great new home
Sibmoor Agata
Agata now has found her forever home
Arakan Zanda
Zanda now has a new home.
Miakoschka Mishka
Mishka has found her forever home
Violet now has a new home
Miakoschka Andrii
Andrii now has a new family
Miakoschka Magnus
Magnus has now found his new home.
Miakoschka Sheldon
Sheldon now has a new home
Miakoschka Snow Princess
Our Snow Princess has just found a new home!
Miakoschka Funtik
Our Funtik has just found a new home!

Miakoschka Versace
Our Versace has now found a new home!

Miakoschka Mohala
Our Mohala now has a new home!

Carillocat Tzar Nicolai
Our Nicolai has now has found his perfect home!

Miakoschka Jaromira
Our very special Jaromira now has a new family to share her life with!

Miakoschka Tishka
We also have retired our Tishka, she will be living with her daughter!

Miakoschka Zeva
Our Zeva is now retired and she has found a special home!

Miakoschka Bianca
Our Bianca now found a special home!

Miakoschka Annechka
Our Annechka is a Black golden tabby and white – We are happy that she has found a new home!

Miakoschka Albert
Our Albert has found a new home!

Miakoschka Humphry
Our Humphry has found a new home
Find out what everyone should know about Siberians!
Check out our Siberian FAQ page or you can learn how to Reserve a Kitten here