
When you decide that you would like to have a kitten, you will need to consider some of the basic requirements. Below we cover all that you will need to have ready to make your new Siberians entry into it’s new home extra special!

All our kittens leave with cover for a month Pet Insurance with Knose

We highly recommend that you keep pet insurance in place.

Cat Carry Cages

PP20 – Airline Approved Cat Carrier

Cat carry cages are a  good idea, and all cats must leave Miakoschka premises in a suitable cat cage. This is for the safety and comfort of the kitten on their journey home as well as future trips to the vet, etc. If you do not have one I have always some on hand that are airline approved cat cages. The most popular being the  PP20, and PP25 pet carry crates which have approval for domestic and international airline transport of pets. They come with funnel, water bowl and  tray and are made in Australia.

From our Online Cat Shop: Range of Cat Carriers

Safe Kitten Transport

Our services include personalised pet transport service and we  can arrange to transport your kitten to its new home with as little stress as possible. We will liaise closely with both you the airlines, advising each step of the process. We personally handle this so that our kittens remain with us until the time comes to depart our home. I personally deliver your kitten to meet the booked flight. I do not charge for this its my pleasure to do this and be there for  as long as possible for your new baby.

It’s best to keep your kitten (or adult cat) in its own environment as long as possible and so with us arranging the pet shipping service  we will advise when it will be necessary for our international purchasers what appointments are set to take your pet  to meet with the AQIS Veterinarians – This is generally the day prior to shipping.

Are you living outside of Australia? Contemplating a move overseas with your pet? Need to send your pet cat somewhere internationally? For over 25 years, we’ve helped successfully ship hundreds of pets…

View our: Cat Transport Services

A Comfy Cat Bed

A good cat bed should be soft, plush and inviting.  There are reversible cat beds, faux fur beds, even beds with scratch pads and shelter (as shown in the example). If a bed is to be used in a cat transport scenario, it should be of a size that is able fit into the cat cages. Note:When Miakoschka send kittens by air one transport, one of our specially embroidered cage bases will be inserted for the comfort of your kitten on its journey.
Prices for a good cat bed can start as low as $20.00.

Cat Scratching Post

The Kitty Tippy Scratch Track

Do you need a cat scratching post? Yes! This will help protect your furnishings, and a good sturdy scratching post is a great item to have ready. We do have some available on site from time to time and can also have some on hand if you would like to collect one when you pick up your kitten. The prices for Cat Scratchers and Scratching Post can be quite affordable and you are invited to see our picks below.

From our Online Cat Shop: Range of Cat Scratchers

Cat Toys

Fluff Bunnies by FatCat

A selection of simple toys will be great for your kitten to amuse themselves with when you are away from the home. Siberians love to play and will fetch and carry for you if you spend the time with them and train them they are very intelligent!

We also have lots of ping pong balls (they cant get enough of them!) around the place.  Little mice are also a favourite, as are strips of sheepskin, which I see carried all over the place. Balls of all types can be chased all over the place and anything with feathers on it is great.

From our Online Cat Shop: Recommended Cat Toys

Other Kitten Essentials

Catit Cat Senses Food Maze

You will need to provide clean bowls for all meals and I think you will find many choices out there. I use big ceramic bowls for water as this keeps the water nice and cool… you may find your Siberian loves to play in water so check they have water at all times.

For wet food I prefer to use stainless steel bowls rather than plastic as they can be placed into the dishwasher for sterilisation. Bowls can be picked up from your  pet shop and a large range is always on hand. But do check our range that is far greater and cheaper than at the store. For clean bowls for food and water, ceramic or metal are the best and priced very affordably.

From our Online Cat Shop: Food and Water Bowls

The Siberian Diet

All of our kittens leave here with a comprehensive diet care sheet advising you of what we feed and the types of food offered. It is a good idea to adhere to this diet as closely as possible so that your kitten doesn’t have to try to adjust too quickly to different foods that they are not used to eating as this can create tummy upsets and this can be distressing for all, trying to work out what is the problem.

While your kitten is still very small, we recommend that you provide a minimum of 3-4 small meals a day. Your new Siberian kitten can eat around 100 grams at each meal, but as your kitten grows you will be able to increase the size of the meals and cut down gradually from 4 to 3 meals.  By the time they are an adult they should be eating one meal a day and dry food and water available 24/7.

From our Online Cat Shop: Ant Proof Plate

Siberian Kitten – Dry Food

Most supermarket varieties are not complete foods and aren’t balanced enough to use for everyday food. We use and highly recommend Royal Canin, Blackhawk and also Hills  Science Diet. You should find a supplier nearby wherever you live to either of these high quality dry food brands in Australia. We will also give you samples to take with you so that your new kitten will be one the same diet, as is important not to change their dry food diet abruptly.

Raw Meat? Yes..

Yes, cats are carnivores, however – we do not feed Kangaroo and it is hoped that you will not either! Good quality raw beef minced and both cooked and raw chicken minced or thighs and wings  and minced turkey is all the meat we offer. Our diet sheet is more comprehensive so please read this at your leisure.

Did you know kittens love chicken wings? Here at Miakoschka, we also give our Siberian Kittens fresh chicken necks and thighs and cooked chicken. Chicken wings nibbles and necks are especially good for kittens to eat because they help to clean their teeth and gums. The wing can be cut into two or three pieces to start with and then eventually the kitten should be able to eat a whole wing as one meal. Chicken hearts are also a valuable source of taurine which is great for their hearts.

  • Water is all cats need in the way of liquids
  • A good dry food is recommended (as stated above)
  • Quality raw beef minced
  • Cooked and raw chicken minced
  • Cooked and raw chicken thighs / wings/ nibbles/necks
  • Turkey mince

Cat Litter & Accessories

Modern Cat Litter Tray

You will need to have a suitable litter tray, and litter available for your new kitten. We use and recommend Sifting stye Litter Trays. It is used with a  wood pellet, is 100% biodegradable and with no “nasties” in it at all. You can pick a Litter Tray from our Cattery or in our online shop

Kitten Litter Tip: When training your new kitten how to use the kitty litter – We do advise that you need to show your kitten where this tray is to be placed several times through out the first day to ensure there are no accidents. Cats like this to be very clean so good hygiene is important, household grade bleach is the safest to clean and sterilise this with.

From our Online Cat Shop: Cat Litter Trays and Accessories

To order please phone:
Marie Mahoney
Brisbane, Australia
Phone: 07 5497 9385
Mobile: 0433 815 367
Fax: (07) 5497 9385

Bathing Your Kitten

Espree Grease Out Shampoo

Yes its true! Bathing is very simple to do and you and your cat will love the way the coat looks and also feels if you continue to keep this up. I bath all kittens before they leave home and so that they are used to this happening as they grow. I suggest that you do it at least one or two times in the first couple of months and then every couple of months will keep them in top condition.

Kitten Bathing Tip:  After towel drying your kitten, use the hairdryer (on low so as not to get your kitten frightened by the noise of the dryer) and thoroughly dry your cat until the fur is completely dry. This can take up to 30 minutes with a fully grown Siberian, but its worth the effort. This will allow for the fur to look it best and will not “matt”… Also it requires less grooming from the cat who will be “inclined to lick itself” dry.

From our Online Cat Shop: Range of Cat Shampoos

Cat Grooming

Zoom Groom by Kong

Combs and brushes are essential for your kitten, and I use these types for keeping down the fur around the house and helping the Siberian’s renowned beautiful coat stay magnificent.

We invite you to check out our range of recommended combs for sale now! Remember, we only sell what works, tried and tested by Miakoschka!

From our Online Cat Shop: Cat Brushes and Combs

Flea & Tick Control

Even though we always recommend that you keep your Siberian Cat as an indoor pet. Flea treatments are sometimes necessary. Even in an apartment, fleas have been known to be carried by us and other pets from outside. Flea control is simple to administer these days using a spot on treatment. We recommend Advantage Flea & Tick Treatments  or the newer ones like Braveto that covers  the deadly paralysis ticks. These can be purchased from your vet or online if needed.

Need help with cat products?

We are happy to assist you at anytime, simply get in touch